Showing posts with label Bill Cosby Accusers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Cosby Accusers. Show all posts

Bill Cosby Accusers

Bill Cosby Accusers, Crusading women's-rights attorney Gloria Allred on Friday introduced two more women who say Bill Cosby sexually assaulted them.

And Allred promised there would be more women going public with similar stories.

Allred already represents a half-dozen of more than 30 women who have come forward recently to accuse Cosby of drugging and raping them in episodes dating back decades.

On Friday, she held another press conference in her Los Angeles office to introduce her latest Cosby-accuser clients, Sunni Welles and Margie Shapiro.

She chose Friday because Cosby was scheduled to perform in Baltimore tonight, and in Charleston, W.Va., Saturday night.

"I have been asked how many more victims there are," Allred said. "Only Mr. Cosby knows the answer to that question but I can assure him that I have more who have not yet come forward, but who will speak out in the future."

Welles and Shapiro told stories similar to those told by other Cosby accusers, except they were teenagers when they say they encountered him. And, like the other accusers, the statute of limitations has run out in their cases.