Showing posts with label ECJ ruling paves way for eurozone QE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ECJ ruling paves way for eurozone QE. Show all posts

ECJ ruling paves way for eurozone QE

ECJ ruling paves way for eurozone QE, A key European Central Bank (ECB) programme has been deemed permissible under EU law, removing a potential obstacle to the launch of a euro area quantitative easing scheme.

The Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme, the focus of the an ECJ adviser's statement, was deemed to be an “unconventional monetary policy measure”, but one that was “necessary” and “in principle legitimate”.

Analysts expected that an opinion that came out strongly against the OMT scheme, considered a precursor to any possible full-blown QE programme, could make it harder for the ECB to pursue further easing.

Pedro Cruz Villalón, a European Court of Justice (ECJ) advocate general, did issue some caveats, suggesting that the ECB should provide more information about the scheme.

“The ECB must give a proper account of the reasons for adopting … the OMT programme, identifying clearly and precisely the extraordinary circumstances that justify the measure”, the official said.

The ruling comes at a crucial juncture for the ECB, as the eurozone has slid into deflation. Prices fell by an average of 0.2pc in the year to December, according to the latest Eurostat data.

The ECB defines deflation not just as prices falling on average, but as a self-fufilling decline in prices across a significant number of countries and goods.

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, warned on Wednesday that there was now a higher risk of this kind of deflation now than a year ago, in an interview with Die Zeit.

Economists in support of a euro area QE scheme argue that it would buoy demand in the area, and could avert a deflationary spiral.

"The ECB must have a broad discretion when framing and implementing the EU’s monetary policy”, Mr Cruz Villalón found, noting that these “are the exclusive competence” of the central bank.

The OMT scheme has been credited with turning around the eurozone during the worst of the crisis, although it was never actually seen in action. If deployed, the ECB would buy up the bonds of euro area countries in secondary markets, in order to reduce market interest rates.

Ahead of the ECJ statement, Thomas Harjes of Barclays said: “OMT has been fiercely resisted by Germany’s Bundesbank and the German constitutional court made clear last February that it sees important reasons to assume that the OMT would be illegal under EU law as is, unless certain restrictions are imposed.”

A QE programme would differ from OMT in two key ways, Mr Harjes suggested. “It would not be targeted to aid an individual member state and broad-based asset purchases have been employed by other major central banks as a monetary policy tool recently”.

The final hurdle to QE appears to have been cleared”, said Jonathon Loynes, chief European Economist at Capital Economics.
"But given the ECB's natural caution, Germany’s objections and the limited effects of QE in other countries, it would be hopeful to expect it to transform the euro-zone’s economic outlook", he added.