Showing posts with label Heidi Stevens Hair Hate Mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heidi Stevens Hair Hate Mail. Show all posts

Heidi Stevens Hair Hate Mail

Heidi Stevens Hair Hate Mail, Heidi Stevens' hair has a real hate network going on. The Chicago Times contributor wrote a profound piece in her column about the criticism she's received for her hair that some deem not presentable. Stevens isn't hurt by her critics' words. Instead, she uses it as an example to underscore one thing about the society we live in.

As Steven notes, her hair has nothing to do with her accomplishments. She writes in The Times that if women went against the grain of our culture's expectations by focusing more on our personal goals or work instead of our looks, others would be threatened by that. So, it's expected of women to appear a certain way -- be it weight, hair, style, height, or all the above. Heidi Stevens' hair offends some people because she's not grooming it the way they see fit.

The news contributor explains in her column: "I command no power. I can't even get my kids to go to bed on time. How does my hair capture even a single moment of attention? Simply because my photo appears in the newspaper?"

Heidi called on Carolyn Bronstein, who's a DePaul University professor who researches media representation and social responsibility, with an "emphasis on gender." She told Heidi Stevens: "Hair is a powerful symbol for women. It's where a woman's appearance sort of begins, at the top of the body. When women have unruly hair they are considered to be disobedient and uncontrollable."

Bronstein further reveals: "Women are not unaffected by the discourses in our society. If we were able to resist them, we wouldn't have so many women suffering from eating disorders and low self-esteem." She adds: "Anyone who seems to have just a little bit of freedom, who allows themselves just a little bit of laxity in their appearance, I think, threatens the order of things."

Heidi Stevens' hair is the latest example of how women fit into society. Stevens say she's had times that she hates her hair, but she mostly "ignores" it.