Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Japan, Jordan seek news on fate of Islamic State captives

Japan, Jordan seek news on fate of Islamic State captives,  Japan and Jordan scrambled on Friday to find out what had happened to two of their nationals being held by Islamic State, after a deadline passed for the release of a would-be suicide bomber being held on death row in Amman.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said every effort was being made to secure the release of journalist Kenji Goto.

"We are gathering and analyzing information while asking for cooperation from Jordan and other countries, making every effort to free Kenji Goto," he told a parliamentary panel.

Jordan's army said state agencies were "working round the clock".

Jordan said on Thursday it was still holding the Iraqi woman prisoner as a deadline passed for her release set by Islamic State militants, who threatened to kill a Jordanian pilot unless she was handed over by sunset.

An audio message purportedly from Goto said the pilot would be killed if Jordan did not free Sajida al-Rishawi, in jail for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack that killed 60 people in the Jordanian capital Amman.

The message extended a previous deadline set on Tuesday in which Goto said he would be killed within 24 hours if al-Rishawi was not freed.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said late on Friday that Tokyo was doing everything it could, but declined to answer whether negotiations had stalled.

"We are doing the things we have to, one after the other, steadily," he told a news conference.

The hostage crisis comes as Islamic State, which has already released videos showing the beheadings of five Western hostages, is coming under increased military pressure from U.S.-led air strikes and by Kurdish and Iraqi troops pushing to reverse the Islamist group's territorial gains in Iraq and Syria.


About an hour before the new deadline was due to pass on Thursday, government spokesman Mohammad al-Momani said Jordan was still holding al-Rishawi.

"We want proof ... that the pilot is alive so that we can proceed with what we said yesterday; exchanging the prisoner with our pilot," Momani told Reuters.

The pilot, Muath al-Kasaesbeh, was captured after his jet crashed in northeastern Syria in December during a bombing mission against Islamic State.

"State organs are working round the clock following up on the case of the pilot," Jordanian army spokesman Colonel Mamdouh al Ameri said, but offered no new word on his fate.

Momani said separately that Jordan was coordinating with Japanese authorities in an effort to secure the release of Goto, a veteran war reporter.

Goto's wife urged both governments to work for her husband's release, saying she feared this was his last chance.

In the latest audio recording purportedly of Goto, he said that Kasaesbeh would be killed "immediately" if al-Rishawi was not at the Turkish border by sunset on Thursday, Iraq time, ready to be exchanged for the Japanese hostage.

That was some time around 0930 ET on Thursday.


The implication that the pilot would not be part of an exchange deal has left Jordan in a difficult position.

Protests have erupted in Karak, home town of the pilot, who is from an important Jordanian tribe that forms the backbone of support for the Hashemite monarchy.

In Japan, the hostage crisis is the biggest diplomatic test for Abe since he took office in 2012 pledging to play a bigger role in global security.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida told journalists that Tokyo had asked Jordan to beef up protection of its diplomats in the country on Friday, the birthday of Jordanian King Abdullah.

Jordanian comments have raised concerns in Japan that Goto might not be part of any deal between Amman and Islamic State.

"I hope the negotiations materialize," Goto's mother, Junko Ishido, told reporters at her Tokyo home late on Thursday. "I don't want to think about it," she said, when asked what she would do if negotiations failed.

Abe has repeatedly said Japan would not give in to terrorism and would keep cooperating with the international community.

The hostage crisis erupted after Abe announced in Cairo $200 million in non-military aid for countries opposing Islamic State, but his government has rejected suggestions it acted rashly and stressed the assistance was humanitarian.

Goto went to Syria in late October. According to friends and business associates, he was attempting to secure the release of Haruna Yukawa, his friend and fellow Japanese citizen who was captured by Islamic State in August.

In the first video purportedly of Goto, released last week, a black-clad masked figure with a knife said Goto and Yukawa would be killed within 72 hours if Japan did not pay Islamic State $200 million.

A video on Saturday appeared to show Goto with a picture of a decapitated Yukawa, saying his captors' demands had switched to the release of al-Rishawi. Tuesday's video featured an audio track over a still picture that appeared to show Goto holding a picture of Kasaesbeh.

Only in Japan

 Stranges Thing from Japan …

Biggest earthquakes

Biggest earthquakes

Biggest earthquakes
The recent earthquake and aftershocks in Japan have once again thrust the destructive power of these natural disasters into the headlines. The following quakes have captured the attention of the world and remind us that Mother Nature is a powerful force.
A 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit near the northeastern coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, which triggered a destructive tsunami  causing warnings to be issued throughout the Pacific region. The death toll continues to climb, and the Japanese government has estimated a steep national damage price tag
Maule, Chile
On Feb. 27, 2010, an earthquake measuring 8.8 magnitude shook Maule, Chile The tremors lasted about three minutes. The number of deaths was originally overestimated.How much damage did it cause?
An earthquake measuring 7.0 magnitude claimed the lives of 222,570 people in Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010. Worldwide relief efforts were launched to aid the 300,000 injured and 1.1 million displaced Haitians. The estimated damages?

Eastern Sichuan, China
The Great Sichuan Earthquake occurred on May 12, 2008, and measured 8.0 magnitude. How many aftershocks were reported? The loss of human life was reported at 68,000 people, and the Chinese government announced its intention to spend $146.5 billion to rebuild the areas affected by the disaster.
A 7.6-magnitude earthquake hit near Muzaffarabad, Pakistan  on Oct. 8, 2005. The earthquake was reportedly caused by the rising of a mountain range. The official death toll? More than $5.4 billion in aid was sent from around the world.
Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, was struck by an 8.7-magnitude earthquake on March 28, 2005. The earthquake displaced more than 20,000 people and killed 1,346. Some consider this earthquake to have been an aftershock of a major 2004 quake.
Tangshan, China
The 7.5-magnitude earthquake that hit Tangshan, China, on July 27, 1976, was the deadliest earthquake in the last four centuries. The quake claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. The initial tremor lasted 23 seconds and was followed by an equally powerful aftershock 16 seconds later
Prince William Sound, Alaska
Prince William Sound, Alaska, was the site of the largest recorded earthquake on American soil  The 9.2-magnitude earthquake that struck on March 28, 1964, caused an estimated $311 million in property damages. The earthquake, the resulting 27-foot tsunami and an underwater landslide caused approximately 130 deaths.

Valdivia, Chile
The 9.5-magnitude earthquake that struck Valdivia, Chile, on May 22, 1960, was the most powerful in recorded history.The country's estimated damage?

Thousands of people died, and the country experienced another natural occurrence just 48 hours later.

San Francisco
April 18 will mark the 105th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake that shook San Francisco and nearly destroyed the city. The earthquake and resulting fire caused an estimated 3,000 deaths. The staggering economic impact has been compared to the economic damage from this modern disaster.

Ridiculous Male Plastic Surgery Fails

 Plastic surgery is something that everybody gets, but nobody wants to talk about. Usually it's the ladies who over-indulge, but there are plenty of male stars who go to far with the facelifts as well. Check these horrific examples.

Carrot Top

Carrot Top is a Goddamned freak anyways, even without the contributions of medical science. The physical comedian turned gym rat has pumped up his muscles to a ludicrous degree. But what we're concerned with here is his face. His horrible, horrible face. His face is broader and his brows are insanely lifted. He's obviously had Botox injections as well, and he basically looks like a terrifying monster. Of laughs.
Pete Burns

Some dudes use plastic surgery to clean up trouble areas. And then some dudes use it to totally go bananas and reinvent themselves as silicone-faced homunculi. For Pete Burns, best known as the singer for British synth-pop band Dead Or Alive, the latter was the way to go. Burns has subjected himself to an orgy of procedures over the last few years, but the absolute worst is his botched lip job, which makes him look like a funhouse mirror Angelina Jolie. He's suing the surgeon but really, dude, you should have known better.
Barry Manilow

There's a common side effect from male plastic surgery that tends to feminize the face - whether it's due to surgeons mostly practicing on women or some other factor, dudes who get a lot of work done often end up looking like really haggard chicks. Case in point: Barry Manilow. The crooner has had so many waves of Botox crash on his face that he's starting to look like a pixie-cut Elfquest reject. It's getting to be a little worrisome.
Bruce Jenner

Some of the worst plastic surgery mistakes happen when dudes try to fix botched jobs - you can't polish a turd, as the saying goes. Olympian Bruce Jenner got some bad work done 25 years ago, leaving him with a skinny nose and a too-tight face, but when he went back to the operating room to get it rectified it basically left him looking like an overcooked Hot Pocket with wrinkles in it. Sorry, man. At least you still have your medals, assuming a Kardashian hasn't pawned them.
Gary Busey

If you were born with a face like Gary Busey, you think you'd learn to live with it. But that hasn't stopped the iconoclastic actor from going under the knife to make his visage even more horrifying. True, part of it is due to a motorcycle accident he was in years ago, but that doesn't explain the intense veneers he put on his prominent teeth. Seriously, those are weapons-grade.
Mickey Rourke

It's kind of funny that just as Mickey Rourke made his big comeback with The Wrestler, his years of horrendous facelifts started to rebound on him. Rourke has obviously had just a pile of work done on his mug in the last few years, which has left him looking like a half-dehydrated Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man with hair plugs. Puffy face, weird lines, insane-looking eyebrows - this is our checklist for too much time under the knife.
Robert Evans

Legendary producer Robert Evans has his name on some of the best flicks ever. But for a dude who spends his time behind the scenes, he's had an awful lot of surgery. Look at the tip of his nose - it has the telltale dimple of too many jobs, not to mention the fact that it's as skinny as a toothpick. Moving on to his actual dermis, aeons of tanning have given him a complexion that's halfway between a Timberland boot and a human nutsack. Nice peels, too.
Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas has long denied having plastic surgery, but let's be straight: he has to be keeping Catherine Zeta-Jones in the house somehow. His perpetually tightened face gives him an expression of being surprised all the time, but if you were friends with Charlie Sheen you'd probably look like that naturally anyways. He was recently photographed with telltale facelift scars, so that settles that question.
David Gest

It's sort of low to pick on David Gest, but we're bad people. The former Liza Minnelli husband was never a very good-looking guy, but the cleft chin, cheek implants and nose job he got in 1981 were absolutely disastrous. The technology was way more primitive back then, and as he aged the artificial parts started looking really nasty.
Igor Bogdanoff

Igor Bogdanoff (and his brother Grichka) are probably best known in theoretical physics circles as the wackjobs behind the Bogdanoff affair, where they floated their kooky theory of the first few seconds after the Big Bang to reputable scientific journals. That done, they then started hosting bizarre UFO cult shows on French television and using the money to get extreme pastic surgery, adding intense layers to their chins and cheeks. Why? No one will ever know.
Garry Shandling

Have you wondered why you haven't seen much of Garry Shandling in recent years? Well, it's because the comedian decided to get some of the worst plastic surgery ever. In an effort to stave off the ravages of time, he seems to have had his flace ludicrously both puffed and smoothed. He looks like somebody drew a face on an old balloon.