Showing posts with label Melissa Leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melissa Leo. Show all posts

The Most Badass Computer Viruses

Why do hackers make viruses? There are a lot of reasons, but many malware masterminds just want to leave their mark on the world. Here are eleven examples of seriously intense viral attacks.


As email began to become the preferred method of business communication, it became only natural for virus makers to start treating it as a disease vector. One of the first worms to get major attention was the Melissa virus, created in 1999 by David L. Smith and named after a stripper he had a crush on. Sent through an email, it was built on a simple Microsoft Word macro - if you opened the attached document, it would automatically replicate itself and re-send to the top 50 names in your address book. Melissa crashed multiple networks before it was contained, but it was only the beginning.


As more and more people started using email in their daily life, it's not surprising that virus makers are targeting kids with their work as well. The 2007 Pikachu worm is widely regarded to be the first piece of malware that focused on the pre-teen set. An email containing an image of the electric mouse Pokemon and some amazing Engrish reading "Between millions of people around the world I found you. Don't forget to remember this day every time MY FRIEND." led to a mass email to everybody in your address book as well as the addition of instructions to your autoexec.bat file that would wipe your hard drive on next boot.


One of the most devastating aspects of viruses is how they can lay dormant in your computer waiting for further instructions. The first virus to really create a worldwide panic was dubbed Michelangelo after its date of activation - on March 6th, the famous painter's birthday, this malicious bit of code would roar into action and delete the first 100 sectors of your hard drive, rendering your machine inoperative. Things got really crazy when it was discovered that some hardware manufacturers including Intel had shipped products that were accidentally pre-infected with the virus, and the media actually advised people to not turn their computers on at all on the 6th until a cure could be found.


One of the most damaging worms we've ever seen was Nimda, which was released on September 18, 2001. Its timing led many to believe that it represented a cyber-security attack after the events of September 11th, but that theory ended up not being true. The worm ushered in a new era of propagation because it didn't rely on just one vector to be effective. Sure, you could screw up your computer by opening an email attachment like a dummy, but you could also get it from compromised websites, from network shares, and even from backdoors left open by other worms.

By the time the Morris worm was done doing damage, it had become the first piece of malicious software to result in a court conviction. Cornell University student Robert Tappan Morris created his self-replicating program as part of an experiment to judge the number of computers connected to the Internet. Unfortunately, a flaw in his code resulted in the virus replicating itself excessively, bringing down multiple systems and causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. Morris was apologetic and after paying $10,000 in fines and doing community service accepted a professorship at MIT.

Getting onto your computer and replicating is only half of the job when it comes to viruses. The other part is exploiting that newfound access. One of the most terrifying worms in recent memory was Storm - this backdoor trojan was first spotted in 2007 and spread like crazy through networks in Europe and the United States. Once infected, your computer would be slaved to the Storm botnet, a conglomeration of computers reportedly 160,000 strong that performs illegal online activities without the user ever knowing about it.

As we become more dependent on our computer systems, worms and viruses can cause more and more real damage. The Sasser worm, so dubbed because it spread through a vulnerability in Microsoft's Security Authority Subsystem Service, hit the world in 2004 and rapidly started messing things up. Created by German srudent Sven Jaschan and released on his eighteenth birthday, it caused effects including cancelling Delta transatlantic flights, disabling the X-ray department in a major hospital and forcing several major European financial companies to close down until their systems could be purged.

As new security companies began to roll out products to battle the ever-proliferating spread of viruses, cyber criminals got creative. Vundo, also known as Virtumonde, is one of the nastiest trojans out there right now. Either spreading through e-mail attachments or through Java vulnerabilities in compromised websites, this nasty bit of business essentially hijacks your system with a fake antivirus warning, slowing your machine to a crawl and redirecting you to an online retailer where you can buy a program that will allegedely clean your system out. Let's just say you don't want to give your credit card number to these people.


Viruses and worms are judged by two major factors - how fast they spread and how much damage they do. 2004's MyDoom infestation currently holds the record for the first, as on the first day of its release in January it had replicated so many times that worldwide internet performance was slowed by 10% and doubled the load page time for most websites. This baby traveled fast, and by the time analysts got into it and discovered that it was set to launch a DDOS attack on February 1st panic was widespread. By the time that date rolled around, there were a million infected computers participating, the largest number up to that point.


As social networking becomes a bigger and bigger part of our online lives, it's no surprise that malicious software engineers are developing ways to target us there. Koobface is one of the nastiest, hitting users of Facebook as well as MySpace, Twitter, Bebo, even Friendster. Infected computers send Facebook messages to everybody on their list with innocuous names like "You look great in this movie." That redirects users to an infected website that prompts you to update your Flash player. That "update" is actually the virus, which then spreads through your network.


And we end with one of the most damaging viruses in computer history. ILOVEYOU was first spotted in 2000 spreading through email, with an attachment named "Love-letter-for-you." This early in the game, people weren't on their guard, and so the infection spread like wildfire, originating in the Philippines and blazing through Europe and the United States in just days, overwriting a wide variety of files - most commonly documents and media - and re-sending itself through Microsoft Outlook. Approximately $5.5 billion dollars in damages have been ascribed to this one humble worm, which even inspired a 2010 movie Subject: I Love You starring Dean Cain.

2011 Oscar winners & nominees

They might have been at the most prestigious event in Hollywood on Academy Award night

What's next for Oscar winners & nominees?
but this year's winners and nominees won't necessarily be in Oscar mode when they next pop up on the big screen.
Natalie Portman
What film did she win the Oscar for?

The hardworking actress has a slew of projects coming out this year, including an appearance this April in an epic stoner comedy (watch the funny trailer) opposite an Oscar co-host. The mother-to-be will also play a dowdy bespectacled grocery store clerk in an independent drama (watch the trailer and find out who else stars in it).

Colin Firth
What film did he win the Oscar for?

After years of romantic comedy roles, like this unforgettable one, Best Actor winner Colin Firth is skewing a little bit more commercial than the film that landed him his statuette. The English actor will next be seen in an espionage drama, an adaptation of a British spy novel in which he plays an intelligence officer suspected of being a Russian mole.

Melissa Leo
What film did she win the Oscar for?

Melissa Leo, whose role as a gritty, greedy mother earned her acting's top award and whose blurted-out profanity provided the most colorful moment of the Oscars (watch it), will make several more niche appearances on the big screen.

Christian Bale
What film did he win the Oscar for?

Christian Bale, who was honored for his portrayal of a real-life twitchy small-time boxer, has been in China shooting a part as a heroic priest in an Asian period piece. But blockbusters aren't too far from the actor's mind; Bale will reprise his infamous superhero role as the Caped Crusader (find out who will play Catwoman)
Michelle Williams
What film earned her an Oscar nod?

Oscar and Golden Globe nominee Michelle Williams has come a long way from "Dawson's Creek" (watch her in the TV drama). The platinum blond star is wrapping production on a British film in which she will immortalize another famous blond bombshell. She will also star in a bittersweet romance opposite a funnyman.
Javier Bardem
What film earned him an Oscar nod?

Javier Bardem's haunting portrayal of a lawless yet devoted father is much more somber than his real life, in which he is married to a beautiful movie star.

The handsome star has several movies in the works, including a rumored and long-awaited spy thriller, a heist caper and a tense suspense film based on a true story about people who escape to paradise before World War II.
Amy Adams
What film earned her an Oscar nomination?

Audiences saw another side of Amy Adams as a take-no-guff bartender in her Oscar-nominated role. But get ready for a childish good time in her newest family comedy about puppet characters. The three-time Academy Award nominee will also star in a portrait of the beat generation based on a famous book.
Jesse Eisenberg
What film earned him an Oscar nomination?

If the Queens native had won, Jesse Eisenberg would have been the youngest Best Actor Oscar winner of all time (who is the youngest?). Next up for him will be an animated film about a domesticated macaw and an adventure comedy about fledgling kidnappers.
Jeremy Renner
What film earned him an Oscar nomination?

The townie tough-guy will don spandex and a bow and arrow in an upcoming action-adventure film that brings together a team of superheroes (which award-winning film earned him an Oscar nom last year?). He's taking some physical abuse shooting a long-awaited installment of an action franchise.
Nicole Kidman
What film earned her an Oscar nomination?

Next up for Kidman, who earned her nomination for playing a grieving mother, is a psychological thriller about a married couple held for ransom. The Academy Award winner is filming an HBO love story about a celebrated author.
Jeff Bridges
What film earned him an Oscar nomination?

Fresh off a Best Actor Oscar win last year, The Dude will remove his eye patch to narrate an animated biopic about a legendary filmmaker.
Hailee Steinfeld
What film earned her the Oscar nomination?

After a series of TV roles, breakout star 15-year-old Hailee Steinfeld stunned audiences as a determined revenge-seeking daughter in the Old West. Next up will be a book-to-film project about a 16-year-old whose memory is erased every night.

Geoffrey Rush
What film earned him the Oscar nod?

Australian acting legend and Academy Award winner Geoffrey Rush impressed as a speech therapist, and this year he'll reprise his role as a swarthy sea pirate in a Disney blockbuster franchise (check out the exciting trailer).
Helena Bonham Carter
What film earned her the Oscar nomination?

Helena Bonham Carter was all prim and proper in her nominated role as the queen of England, but she will be back in theaters this spring one final time as an evil witch (watch the trailer). Rumor has it she will also star in a horror tale about a vampire.
Annette Bening
What film earned her the Oscar nomination?

Veteran actress Annette Bening had audiences fooled as an overbearing wife for her nominated role, and up next for the four-time Academy Award nominee is a 2012 film about the origin of a famous story.
Jennifer Lawrence
What film earned her the Oscar nomination?

Newcomer Jennifer Lawrence was practically unknown before playing an Ozark teen searching for her meth-cooking father. She can be seen as a sexy shape-shifter in her next film about a group of humans with super abilities (watch the exciting trailer). Also, catch the 20-year-old rising star in a 2012 horror flick.
John Hawkes
What film earned him the Oscar nomination?

Before John Hawkes was nominated for his role as dangerous Uncle Teardrop, he was a gunslinger on an HBO drama series. Next up this year he appears in a science-fiction thriller about a deadly disease starring some big Hollywood names.
Mark Ruffalo
What film earned him an Oscar nomination?

The ever scruffy and lovable Mark Ruffalo is not an estranged father in real life (how many kids does he have?). He will play the emotional alter ego of a physicist in a superhero film and a part in a movie about a tragic accident.
Jacki Weaver
What film earned her the Oscar nomination?

The 63-year-old Australian star can also be seen in a 2010 film about a hitchhiking woman who finds love and adventure (watch the trailer). Her moviemaking days are not over yet: The actress is planning a big move.