Showing posts with label Sarah Palin Tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin Tour. Show all posts

Sarah Palin Tour

Sarah Palin Tour
Sarah Palin Tour. Sarah Palin will begin touring the East Coast in a bus emblazoned with a giant Declaration of Independence Sunday, her first stop a veterans' motorcycle rally on Memorial Day in Washington, D.C. Palin's "One Nation" tour will go on to hit historical stops in New England, but her spokesman told National Journal's Lindsey Boerma that we should draw "no conclusions" about what the roadtrip says about Palin's presidential ambitions.Naturally, lots of people are drawing conclusions anyway. Speculation that the Alaskan will run has been building all week, following news that she bought a home in Arizona and will have a flattering biopic about her accomplishments as governor premiere in Iowa next month. The roadtrip, intended to "promote the Fundamental Restoration of America," according to her website, will last several weeks, and, Politico's Ben Smith notes, "on purpose or by accident" will step "all over [Michele] Bachmann's ramp-up." Bachmann, seen as a more intense version of Palin, will likely announce if she's running in June.