Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

This Knife Stabs and Then Explodes What It Stabbed

The deadliest knife ever made, ever.
You could just stab someone regular style, but what if I told you there was another way? A way that involved exploding them while stabbing them? Yes, I will most certainly go on.

The WASP knife is intended for divers who need to defend themselves against shark attacks (yes, it gets even more awesome) by Jaws-caliber sharks who aren't put off by simple stabbing. 
You see, fellow violence-crazed individual, the WASP knife, upon stabbing, injects the victim with a basketball-sized, freezing ball of compressed gas that instantly splodes them from the inside out--but not before freezing their internal organs. It's so fast that if you stabbed a Great White with one of these, the blood wouldn't even hit the water before the inflated shark rose to the surface.
The sickest thing? You can just buy these online. Yep. No special license or anything. Knife Center has them for $399.95 each. Please don't use them on actual living creatures. 
Here you can see John Stamos being coated in meat and blood for his portrayal of a WASP Knife victim in the Law & Order: SVU episode that aired May 4th. As you might suspect, this requires copious amounts of cow guts.

Bin Laden death cybercrime

Bin Laden death cybercrime

Security experts are warning Web-surfing consumers about a rise in cybercrime and scams related to Osama bin Laden's death.
Know of an Internet crime? File a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center, otherwise known as IC3, a partnership among the FBI, NW3C and BJA.
Major news events are often accompanied by an uptick in cybercrime, as perpetrators seek to take advantage of Web searches for content such as pictures and videos. It was also a problem during this recent high-profile wedding.
"The reported death of Osama bin Laden is just too good a lure for cybercriminals and scammers to pass up," wrote Dave Marcus, director of security research for McAfee Labs, in a blog post.
Marcus said emails are circulating with links purporting to lead to photos of bin Laden's corpse. One message teases to a video showing bin Laden disproving his death by holding a newspaper with Monday's date. Clicking on the links generally opens files that install malware on the user's computer. In other cases, cybercriminals have poisoned Google Images results.
This major social networking site is also a fertile breeding ground for these scams, with malicious links being circulated on posts and messages within the site. Researchers at Kaspersky Labs said they noticed scam ads on Facebook promising free merchandise in celebration of bin Laden's death. Users who click on the ads will be redirected multiple times, with each layer asking for more detailed personal information.
Experts at Websense said cybercriminals compromised the website of Sohaib Athar, the Pakistani information technology consultant living in Abbottabad who provided a real-time account of the U.S. operation via his Twitter feed. 

Cathedral Made Ouf Human Remains

 Amazing Cathedral Made Ouf Human Remains