Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

This Knife Stabs and Then Explodes What It Stabbed

The deadliest knife ever made, ever.
You could just stab someone regular style, but what if I told you there was another way? A way that involved exploding them while stabbing them? Yes, I will most certainly go on.

The WASP knife is intended for divers who need to defend themselves against shark attacks (yes, it gets even more awesome) by Jaws-caliber sharks who aren't put off by simple stabbing. 
You see, fellow violence-crazed individual, the WASP knife, upon stabbing, injects the victim with a basketball-sized, freezing ball of compressed gas that instantly splodes them from the inside out--but not before freezing their internal organs. It's so fast that if you stabbed a Great White with one of these, the blood wouldn't even hit the water before the inflated shark rose to the surface.
The sickest thing? You can just buy these online. Yep. No special license or anything. Knife Center has them for $399.95 each. Please don't use them on actual living creatures. 
Here you can see John Stamos being coated in meat and blood for his portrayal of a WASP Knife victim in the Law & Order: SVU episode that aired May 4th. As you might suspect, this requires copious amounts of cow guts.

Voice-Changing Iron Man Motorcycle Helmet is Awesome, Unsafe

Can I ride in your sidecar with my War Machine helmet?

You're already riding a motorcycle, so feeble concerns like safety aren't yours to have. Leave it for the moped owners. In lieu of a properly constructed helmet, why not try and cop one of Youtube user Tigerpause444's (I see what you did there, mreowr) custom creations?

The coolest one is the helmet based on the Iron Man Mark VI suit, which has a retractable visor, blue LED lights in the eye-hole spots, and voice changing capability (spoiler: it's one of those kiddie voice-chaing helmets mounted on a regular bike helmet).

Other helmets this dude's made include War Machine from Iron Man, a humongous furry Cookie Monster helmet, Hello Kitty, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers, Master Chief from the Halo video game series, and Star Wars' Darth Vader. Tigerpause warns that they might not be entirely safe for road wear, but I'd rather be made into street pizza looking like Tony Stark than a big ol' dork.

Though he says on his profile page that the helmets aren't for sale, everybody's got a price. My offer is $20, due to the fact that I don't actually own a motorcycle and would just wear this around the house. Get at me, dog.

Step Aside, C-3PO: R2-D2 BBQ Wants to Smoke Your Meat

Life just doesn't get much better than space operas and outside meat.
Whether you're in it for honey-glazed leg of TaunTaun or teriyaki Hutt lips, a Star Wars-themed barbeque can only bring good things. Doubly so if you happen to employ the R2-D2 smoker seen here.

Instead of beeping, complaining, and falling into swamps, this R2-D2 uses its own 55-gallon drum body to smoke the crap out of any meat products you should see fit.

Any true grill-master knows that smoking is absolutely key. It flavors the meat so nice when you cook it low and slow, you know? Trust me, even the cheapest cut of meat will taste straight outta Memphis once it spends twenty hours heating up inside an astromech's body.

The R2-BQ is the design of one Philip Wise, master of,, and The New Wookiee Workshop, from whence this project comes. Wise is also one of the biggest private collectors of Star Wars memorabilia ever.

Amazing Animal Stories

Here are some that got our attention in recent weeks.

Amazing animal stories
Animals make headlines almost every day -- from silly stories to scary tales to heartbreakers.

Thunderously purring cat
Sound specialists at a British community college recorded the purr of a housecat named Smokey and said it was 16 times louder than the average purr. How many decibels?

Bronx Zoo cobra
It didn't take long for the alleged adventures of a cobra that disappeared from the Bronx Zoo to start entertaining followers of a fake Twitter account (one silly tweet) and a Facebook page.
Shark jumper
Talk about jumping the shark! A Texas fisherman was out hoping to catch some red snapper when a 375-pound mako shark (how long was it?) flopped onto the back of his boat in the Gulf of Mexico.
Raccoon's sticky situation
A raccoon attracted quite a crowd when he spent eight hours perched on a utility pole with his head stuck inside a peanut butter jar. The animal (what's his nickname?) quickly scampered off after the Long Island Power Authority came to his rescue.
Rare tortoise missing

Authorities suspect that a rare tortoise might have been stolen from a zoo in Colorado Springs, Colo. Butti, who is 13 and eats a special diet because of health problems, was last seen in an exhibit where visitors can handle him and his brother, Tutti.
Scooter-riding dog
It's not every day you see a fluffy herding dog riding a scooter. So, it's no wonder that video of Norman the Briard (what kind of breed is that?) cruising down the street went viral. He's appeared on a morning news show and on a late-night talk show.
Lost penguin of Lima
A Humboldt penguin named Tomas waddled miles away from his beach home into Peru's bustling capital. Police took him in, and he became something of a celebrity, reportedly posing for pictures as people flocked to see him. Humboldts are endangered (how many are left in the wild?).
: Tortoise sparks fast-moving blaze
Fire officials say a pet African tortoise (what's his name? | how big is he?) knocked over the heat lamp in his terrarium and sparked a fast-moving fire that ignited a pile of art supplies and quickly spread through a New York City apartment.

Coyote delays jets at airport
For a few long minutes, a coyote wandered onto a runway and delayed flights at the world's busiest airport. Federal Aviation Administration officials say flights resumed after an airport vehicle chased the animal into a ravine.

Dog survives fire
A Boston woman was overjoyed when she found Lola, her beloved dachshund, living in the wreckage of her burned-out home -- a month after the fire. Veterinarians said Lola had somehow found food and water in the home and that she's expected to fully
Baby dolphin survives tsunami
There are many stories of dolphins rescuing humans from shark attacks. Recently, a pet shop owner came to the rescue of a baby dolphin after spotting it in a flooded rice field almost two weeks after the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan. Ryo Taira and some friends wrapped the dolphin in wet towels and drove it back to the sea, where they set it free.
Deaf puppy learns sign language
A deaf couple who rescued a springer spaniel from a UK animal shelter is teaching the pup sign language. So far, little Alice has learned to follow signed instructions for sit down, sit up, come and roll over.
A woman & her kangaroo
An Oklahoma woman suffering from depression is fighting to keep a therapy pet that has city officials concerned about possible public safety risks. Christie Carr is asking for an exemption that would allow her to keep her 25-pound partially paralyzed great red kangaroo named Irwin.

Guilt-ridden dog
A video "investigation" featuring two dogs and one empty bag of cat treats became an online sensation.

Ridiculous Male Plastic Surgery Fails

 Plastic surgery is something that everybody gets, but nobody wants to talk about. Usually it's the ladies who over-indulge, but there are plenty of male stars who go to far with the facelifts as well. Check these horrific examples.

Carrot Top

Carrot Top is a Goddamned freak anyways, even without the contributions of medical science. The physical comedian turned gym rat has pumped up his muscles to a ludicrous degree. But what we're concerned with here is his face. His horrible, horrible face. His face is broader and his brows are insanely lifted. He's obviously had Botox injections as well, and he basically looks like a terrifying monster. Of laughs.
Pete Burns

Some dudes use plastic surgery to clean up trouble areas. And then some dudes use it to totally go bananas and reinvent themselves as silicone-faced homunculi. For Pete Burns, best known as the singer for British synth-pop band Dead Or Alive, the latter was the way to go. Burns has subjected himself to an orgy of procedures over the last few years, but the absolute worst is his botched lip job, which makes him look like a funhouse mirror Angelina Jolie. He's suing the surgeon but really, dude, you should have known better.
Barry Manilow

There's a common side effect from male plastic surgery that tends to feminize the face - whether it's due to surgeons mostly practicing on women or some other factor, dudes who get a lot of work done often end up looking like really haggard chicks. Case in point: Barry Manilow. The crooner has had so many waves of Botox crash on his face that he's starting to look like a pixie-cut Elfquest reject. It's getting to be a little worrisome.
Bruce Jenner

Some of the worst plastic surgery mistakes happen when dudes try to fix botched jobs - you can't polish a turd, as the saying goes. Olympian Bruce Jenner got some bad work done 25 years ago, leaving him with a skinny nose and a too-tight face, but when he went back to the operating room to get it rectified it basically left him looking like an overcooked Hot Pocket with wrinkles in it. Sorry, man. At least you still have your medals, assuming a Kardashian hasn't pawned them.
Gary Busey

If you were born with a face like Gary Busey, you think you'd learn to live with it. But that hasn't stopped the iconoclastic actor from going under the knife to make his visage even more horrifying. True, part of it is due to a motorcycle accident he was in years ago, but that doesn't explain the intense veneers he put on his prominent teeth. Seriously, those are weapons-grade.
Mickey Rourke

It's kind of funny that just as Mickey Rourke made his big comeback with The Wrestler, his years of horrendous facelifts started to rebound on him. Rourke has obviously had just a pile of work done on his mug in the last few years, which has left him looking like a half-dehydrated Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man with hair plugs. Puffy face, weird lines, insane-looking eyebrows - this is our checklist for too much time under the knife.
Robert Evans

Legendary producer Robert Evans has his name on some of the best flicks ever. But for a dude who spends his time behind the scenes, he's had an awful lot of surgery. Look at the tip of his nose - it has the telltale dimple of too many jobs, not to mention the fact that it's as skinny as a toothpick. Moving on to his actual dermis, aeons of tanning have given him a complexion that's halfway between a Timberland boot and a human nutsack. Nice peels, too.
Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas has long denied having plastic surgery, but let's be straight: he has to be keeping Catherine Zeta-Jones in the house somehow. His perpetually tightened face gives him an expression of being surprised all the time, but if you were friends with Charlie Sheen you'd probably look like that naturally anyways. He was recently photographed with telltale facelift scars, so that settles that question.
David Gest

It's sort of low to pick on David Gest, but we're bad people. The former Liza Minnelli husband was never a very good-looking guy, but the cleft chin, cheek implants and nose job he got in 1981 were absolutely disastrous. The technology was way more primitive back then, and as he aged the artificial parts started looking really nasty.
Igor Bogdanoff

Igor Bogdanoff (and his brother Grichka) are probably best known in theoretical physics circles as the wackjobs behind the Bogdanoff affair, where they floated their kooky theory of the first few seconds after the Big Bang to reputable scientific journals. That done, they then started hosting bizarre UFO cult shows on French television and using the money to get extreme pastic surgery, adding intense layers to their chins and cheeks. Why? No one will ever know.
Garry Shandling

Have you wondered why you haven't seen much of Garry Shandling in recent years? Well, it's because the comedian decided to get some of the worst plastic surgery ever. In an effort to stave off the ravages of time, he seems to have had his flace ludicrously both puffed and smoothed. He looks like somebody drew a face on an old balloon.

Interesting Pictures

Interesting Pictures Of Animals in the Selection

Animals in 2011

We can see and believe that is very interesting!!!!