Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts

Ridiculous Male Plastic Surgery Fails

 Plastic surgery is something that everybody gets, but nobody wants to talk about. Usually it's the ladies who over-indulge, but there are plenty of male stars who go to far with the facelifts as well. Check these horrific examples.

Carrot Top

Carrot Top is a Goddamned freak anyways, even without the contributions of medical science. The physical comedian turned gym rat has pumped up his muscles to a ludicrous degree. But what we're concerned with here is his face. His horrible, horrible face. His face is broader and his brows are insanely lifted. He's obviously had Botox injections as well, and he basically looks like a terrifying monster. Of laughs.
Pete Burns

Some dudes use plastic surgery to clean up trouble areas. And then some dudes use it to totally go bananas and reinvent themselves as silicone-faced homunculi. For Pete Burns, best known as the singer for British synth-pop band Dead Or Alive, the latter was the way to go. Burns has subjected himself to an orgy of procedures over the last few years, but the absolute worst is his botched lip job, which makes him look like a funhouse mirror Angelina Jolie. He's suing the surgeon but really, dude, you should have known better.
Barry Manilow

There's a common side effect from male plastic surgery that tends to feminize the face - whether it's due to surgeons mostly practicing on women or some other factor, dudes who get a lot of work done often end up looking like really haggard chicks. Case in point: Barry Manilow. The crooner has had so many waves of Botox crash on his face that he's starting to look like a pixie-cut Elfquest reject. It's getting to be a little worrisome.
Bruce Jenner

Some of the worst plastic surgery mistakes happen when dudes try to fix botched jobs - you can't polish a turd, as the saying goes. Olympian Bruce Jenner got some bad work done 25 years ago, leaving him with a skinny nose and a too-tight face, but when he went back to the operating room to get it rectified it basically left him looking like an overcooked Hot Pocket with wrinkles in it. Sorry, man. At least you still have your medals, assuming a Kardashian hasn't pawned them.
Gary Busey

If you were born with a face like Gary Busey, you think you'd learn to live with it. But that hasn't stopped the iconoclastic actor from going under the knife to make his visage even more horrifying. True, part of it is due to a motorcycle accident he was in years ago, but that doesn't explain the intense veneers he put on his prominent teeth. Seriously, those are weapons-grade.
Mickey Rourke

It's kind of funny that just as Mickey Rourke made his big comeback with The Wrestler, his years of horrendous facelifts started to rebound on him. Rourke has obviously had just a pile of work done on his mug in the last few years, which has left him looking like a half-dehydrated Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man with hair plugs. Puffy face, weird lines, insane-looking eyebrows - this is our checklist for too much time under the knife.
Robert Evans

Legendary producer Robert Evans has his name on some of the best flicks ever. But for a dude who spends his time behind the scenes, he's had an awful lot of surgery. Look at the tip of his nose - it has the telltale dimple of too many jobs, not to mention the fact that it's as skinny as a toothpick. Moving on to his actual dermis, aeons of tanning have given him a complexion that's halfway between a Timberland boot and a human nutsack. Nice peels, too.
Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas has long denied having plastic surgery, but let's be straight: he has to be keeping Catherine Zeta-Jones in the house somehow. His perpetually tightened face gives him an expression of being surprised all the time, but if you were friends with Charlie Sheen you'd probably look like that naturally anyways. He was recently photographed with telltale facelift scars, so that settles that question.
David Gest

It's sort of low to pick on David Gest, but we're bad people. The former Liza Minnelli husband was never a very good-looking guy, but the cleft chin, cheek implants and nose job he got in 1981 were absolutely disastrous. The technology was way more primitive back then, and as he aged the artificial parts started looking really nasty.
Igor Bogdanoff

Igor Bogdanoff (and his brother Grichka) are probably best known in theoretical physics circles as the wackjobs behind the Bogdanoff affair, where they floated their kooky theory of the first few seconds after the Big Bang to reputable scientific journals. That done, they then started hosting bizarre UFO cult shows on French television and using the money to get extreme pastic surgery, adding intense layers to their chins and cheeks. Why? No one will ever know.
Garry Shandling

Have you wondered why you haven't seen much of Garry Shandling in recent years? Well, it's because the comedian decided to get some of the worst plastic surgery ever. In an effort to stave off the ravages of time, he seems to have had his flace ludicrously both puffed and smoothed. He looks like somebody drew a face on an old balloon.

Does Greasy Food Really Give You Zits?

Here, six of the most common food myths, and the nugget of truth each contains that you can use to your health or weight loss advantage.

Food Lies You Shouldn't Believe

They run amok online, through e-mail chains and even across generations, making it harder and harder to separate fact from fiction.
Drinking water helps you lose weight

The nugget of truth: Water may trim meal size

Just adding a few glasses to your day isn’t going to melt away fat, but research shows if you drink up before a meal, you may eat less. Scientists at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University followed a group of adults on low-calorie diets for 12 weeks; they found that those who had two cups of water before each of their daily meals lost 4.5 more pounds than the non-water drinkers. Filling your stomach with a zero-calorie substance might lead to smaller meals, say scientists; plus, substituting water for soda and juices also helps save calories. Hate the nontaste of plain water? Stick a slice of lemon or lime in it, or look for flavored varieties that are calorie free: Some types of vitamin water, for example, contain 200 calories a bottle; drinking one a day could lead to a 20-pound weight gain in a year.
French fries give you zits

The tidbit of truth: Greasy fingers makes acne worse

Excess oil in your skin causes acne, but oily foods don’t contribute to the problem—that is, unless you’re a messy eater. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), when some vegetable oils get on the skin, they could make existing acne worse—so wipe your mouth if you miss, and keep greasy fingers off your face. What about chocolate? Scientists may need to look at this one a little more closely. Though experts agree specific foods don’t cause acne, very preliminary research presented at the AAD conference this year found that eating pure chocolate may exacerbate acne in people prone to pimples.
White flour is bleached with dangerous chemicals

The tidbit of truth: White flour is bleached, but the chemicals are safe

Flour whitens naturally on its own as yellow compounds called xantophylls react with oxygen in the air; this takes several weeks. To speed the process, manufacturers bleach flour, turning it white from its natural straw color, with safe, FDA-regulated chemicals (some of the same ones used to sanitize veggies). Alloxan—a compound that caused diabetes in animal research—may form as a byproduct, but the amount is minuscule (less than 0.03 mg per slice of bread) and harmless, says Julie Jones, PhD, professor emerita of family, consumer, and nutritional sciences at St. Catherine University. Is white flour less nutritious? Yes; the processing strips away essential nutrients such as fiber, magnesium, and vitamin E. Is it dangerous? No.
Carrots make you see better

The nugget of truth: Carrots contain nutrients that help keep eyes healthy

They are rich in vitamin A, and vitamin A is absolutely important for eye health—but there’s nothing magical in this orange veggie. Spinach, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin are also good sources. So yes, carrots are good for your vision, but no, they won’t improve it, say experts at the American Academy of Ophthalmology. To keep your peepers in tip-top shape, it’s more important to eat an overall balanced diet so you get all essential nutrients, and watch your weight—obesity increases your risk of diabetes and other chronic conditions, which can lead to vision loss.
Eating after dark packs on pounds

The nugget of truth: People are more prone to overeat at night

Consuming too many calories is what makes you gain weight—it doesn’t really matter what time of day you do it. That said, more people tend to overindulge at night out of boredom or other emotions instead of hunger—calories that are then stored as fat. Also, those who eat late-night often wake up without an appetite and skip breakfast, the meal that has been shown to control calorie intake throughout the day. To help curb nighttime noshing: Brush your teeth after your last meal (it sends a powerful message that eating time is over); “close” the kitchen 2 hours before bedtime; and keep snacks out of sight.

Sugar causes diabetes

The nugget of truth: Sugar contributes to weight gain, which ups your risk

It doesn’t lead to diabetes the same way cigarettes cause cancer, but research shows that sugar may play a role. We know being overweight increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and consuming too much sugar makes you put on pounds. Some science, though, has linked excess sugar intake to increased risk regardless of weight—one study found women nearly doubled their diabetes risk when they increased the number of sugar-added drinks from 1 or fewer a week to 1 or more per day over a 4-year period. (Search: diabetes symptoms.) To be safe, watch your weight; eat lots of high-fiber foods (which keep blood sugar steady); and opt for water or tea over sugary soft drinks whenever possible.