The most unusual lights from around the world

A simple three-color traffic cop traffic sometimes gets very interesting, and even kind of spicy, still, however, regularly perform their duties.
Sometimes need a little to ordinary traffic lights ceased to be such, but gave a good mood drivers and pedestrians. Just a few strokes and a yellow signal is transformed into a well-known to all smiley, and this simple picture, according to many psychologists, automatically generates positive feelings. This light gives a positive British residents of Cambridge.

As you know, Germans like order in everything, including in regard to the guidelines and regulations. In this case, the interpretation of the prohibition signal is ambiguous: it is a boy in a red can? Or girls - in red, the boys - on the green?

Another traffic light in Berlin addressed to those who think positively, and the red light means danger. I wonder what remains hidden in the green signal.
The Italians seem to have decided to combine a European approach with the U.S., adding a little decorating column. As is well known in Europe, traffic lights installed vertically on poles and in the United States suspended directly above the road.
In Australia, a lot of sort of, and traffic is no exception. These regulators have been here for pedestrians are very common, but in the 70's of last century they were gradually replaced by more familiar to European eyes. What: easy to know exactly how much time is left until the will "burn" red or green.
Of course, Japan could not remain aloof from the creation of unusual traffic. Indications of this instance is extremely intuitive, perhaps, only Japanese. Everyone else will have to properly reflect before going on the road.
Once again, Australia. Traffic lights in a series of "try and figure it out, but the inhabitants of Melbourne cbd doing it without any difficulty.
In comparison with the Australian "battery", its German version in Berlin looks like, perhaps, very orderly. At least only in comparison with the Australian ... of course, not 14 signals, and only 13.
Copenhagen. Here on the main road cyclist, and if so, then the traffic lights for cycling at least as much for the car.
Ta zhe picture in Sweden.
But the real paradise for cyclists, of course Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, bicycle lights are not just a natural phenomenon, but truly necessary.
What do you think, where this traffic? That's right, and he is from the Netherlands.
Berlin again. At this time traffic successfully entered in a column. By the way, and the precise time you can see the benefit of hours here.
But this traffic light - just a dream. But not the driver, of course, but the opposite: those who intended to keep order on the road. As you have not seen a red light? There were no traffic lights? Now arrange.
Old British traffic lights are not just informed that the road can go and do it with a true national color: calm, measured and honed literary style.
At the end of another Traffic light track from the UK. London Visitors often take it for a real traffic light (especially after the Melbourne "battery"), but in vain. It's an art installation, but the appearance of a modern city, no doubt, decorate.


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