The Last Words Of 25 Famous Dead Writers

1. Ernest Hemingway
  • Ernest Hemingway
    Spoken to his wife before he killed himself.

    2. Charles Dickens
  • Charles Dickens
    He suffered a stroke outside his home and was asking to be laid on the ground. 
  • 3. Voltaire

    When asked by a priest to renounce Satan. 
  • 4. L. Frank Baum

    L. Frank Baum
    The author of The Wizard Of Oz was referring to the Shifting Sands, the desert surrounding Oz .
  • 5. George Bernard Shaw

    George Bernard Shaw

  • 6. Hunter S. Thompson

    Hunter S. Thompson
    The last sentence on his suicide note.  
  • 7. Henrik Ibsen

    Henrik Ibsen
    This was his response to a nurse who said he was a little better.  
  • 8. Dylan Thomas

    Dylan Thomas

    9. J.M. Barrie
  • J.M. Barrie
    Author of Peter Pan.
  • 10. Louisa May Alcott

    Louisa May Alcott
    Alcott did not have meningitis, though she believed it to be so. She died from mercury poison.  
  • 11. Hans Christian Andersen

    Hans Christian Andersen

  • 12. Jane Austen

    Jane Austen
    In response to her sister, Cassandra, who was asking her if she wanted anything?  
  • 13. Anton Chekhov

    Anton Chekhov
    Dying from Tuberculosis, his doctor had given him champagne to ease the pain. 
  • 14. Jean Cocteau

    Jean Cocteau

  • 15. W.C. Fields

    W.C. Fields
    “Carlotta” was Carlotta Monti, actress and his mistress.  
  • 16. Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes

  • 17. Washington Irving

    Washington Irving
    Speaking to his niece.  
  • 18. Mark Twain

    Mark Twain
    Speaking to his daughter Clara.  
  • 19. Leo Tolstoy

    Leo Tolstoy

    20. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • 21. James Joyce

    James Joyce

  • 22. H.G. Wells

    H.G. Wells
    He didn't know he was dying.

    23. Henry David Thoreau

    Henry David Thoreau

  • 24. Edgar Allan Poe

    Edgar Allan Poe

  • 25. Alfred Jarry

    Alfred Jarry


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