Ingle The Land Before Time

Ingle The Land Before Time, Actor John Ingle, who por­trayed Cera’s father in many incar­na­tions of The Land Before Time, died Sun­day in Los Ange­les. He was 84. Ingle took over the role of schem­ing patri­arch Edward Quar­ter­maine on the soap opera Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal in 1993. He made his last appear­ance in an episode that aired last week.

He voiced Cera’s father and/or the nar­ra­tor in the direct-to-video movies The Land Before Time II: The Great Val­ley Adven­ture (1994), The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giv­ing (1995), The Land Before Time V: The Mys­te­ri­ous Island (1997), The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock (1998), The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire (2000), The Land Before Time IX: Jour­ney to the Big Water (2002), The Land Before Time X: The Great Long­neck Migra­tion (2003), The Land Before Time XI: Inva­sion of the Tinysauruses (2005), The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Fly­ers (2006) and The Land Before Time XIII: The Wis­dom of Friends (2007).

In addi­tion, he pro­vided the voice of Cera’s father in the 2007 ani­mated series The Land Before Time.

Ingle was Wise Paw in the 21-episode 1985 syn­di­cated series Paw Paws, a seg­ment of the ani­mated block The Fun­tas­tic World of Hanna-Barbera.

In Ani­ma­ni­acs, he voiced the Judge in the 1993 episode “La La Law.”

He was in the voice casts of the 1981 series Smurfs, in addi­tion to the 1997 Extreme Ghost­busters episodes “Seeds of Destruc­tion” and “Dead­lin­ers,” and the 1985 The Jet­sons episode “Elroy in Won­der­land.”

Ingle’s career lasted for over 30 years. He was seen in such live-action TV series as Days of Our Lives, ‘Big Love and The Drew Carey Show. His films included Bat­man and Robin and Heathers.

Born in Tulsa, Okla­homa on May 7, 1928, he grad­u­ated from Occi­den­tal Col­lege. He taught at Hol­ly­wood High School, UCLA and Bev­erly Hills High School before turn­ing to acting.

Grace-Lynne Mar­tin, his wife of 57 years, died on Feb­ru­ary 11 this year. John Ingle is sur­vived by their five daugh­ters, nine grand­chil­dren and three great-grandchildren.


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