Johnny Depp "Silence Exile Cunning" tattoo

Johnny Depp "Silence Exile Cunning" tattoo, Stems from art! Creating stillness in your life and mind. The Art of living with what we created and not running off from it at the first sign of unpleasantness. Most importantly, being smart or cunning or even a artful individual to fashion our purpose in life, our world and all around us, into a guiltless, loving, tolerant and livable life.

We can't all run to another Country and Live the easy life in some small village. Like Johnny Depp.

This has been around long before a movie star gets his tattoo! Great writer and story.

Silence Exile and Cunning. Being quite about ones real self. Perhaps needing space or time alone. Being Exile is only a private time for the individual in most cases, needing their own Private world. Being Cunning could also mean to be brilliant in ones work, art and music. etc.. Funny or smart about ones self against others.

"I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can, and as wholly as I can, using for my defence the only arms I allow myself to use.. silence, exile, and cunning." James Joyce, "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"

Actors living the characters lives or habits: "The constant theme in things I do seem to be with people who are considered 'freaks' by so-called 'normal' people.

Leaving USA- Why? It is the world you created for yourself! Fans, fans, and lots of fans...cameras snapping shots....

I bring this to thought given a situation or time when I needed to remember how to be strong and not let others interfere with my life. Keeping pace with the path I had laid out before me. This is sometimes a difficult world to live in. We can't all run to another Country and Live the easy life in some small village tucked out of the world we have created for ourselves.
Johnny Depp: "It's insane, that setting cars on fire is the new strike. I went there (to France) to live because it seemed so simple. Now it's anything but. I don't know how they'll recover from this." In France.

Like the character in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, I too have dissociate myself from my own family and home. Never to return. Hiding the truths is like hiding from a monster. Frightening and sad at the same time for me. I preserve some sort of sanity by not returning to my own home. Maybe too, I have forgotten some of my roots and been too busy creating my own roots with my own family to think of where and from whom I came. This is but one example of the writings of James Joyces book that touches home to me.

While James Joyce is a genus in his own time, he reaches out to many now as a beacon of the real world we all live in, also the worlds we create for ourselves. One difference, he stopped to smell the roses. We never do stop for anything, for anyone. Thinking only of our own worlds we created for ourselves.

Being brilliant in ones work, art and music. etc is wonderful. Careers and social stance, family and home, these are all great attributes we posses in our lives. No one person is different in that aspect. We all have to work, no money, no life! We all have to create some sort of life, "home sweet home" helps us to focus on the future. Why just knowing people are leaning and relying on us to provide services or for us to function or the need to procreate or live on to.
Just like any artist, author , etc.. truly believes in, Procreation. Their work lives on. Your heritage lives on.

We have replaced the more 'difficult' and critical art forms which might lead people to actually question social life. Or the life we all fashioned.

We have replaced the more 'difficult' and critical art forms which might lead people to actually question social life. Or the life we all fashioned.


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