President interrupts high school soccer practice

President interrupts high school soccer practice. Practice hub-bub was a bit more hectic Friday for soccer teams at Tully Central High school in Tully, N.Y, when President Obama stopped by.

"I was driving by and I thought, you know, I need to kick around a ball a little bit," Obama told the girls' team after he emerged from his bus.

Obama was on the second day of his two-day bus tour of New York and Pennsylvania to tout his new plan to make a college education more affordable for more students.

"Part of what I'm doing is I'm traveling around the area talking about college, making sure that young people can pay for it," Obama told the girls. "I'm assuming everybody here's gonna want to go to college? So part of what we want to do is make sure that whatever school you decide to go to that you can afford to do it, get grants, loans, and don't end up having too much debt."

The president then turned to the smallest girl on the team, saying, "You don't look like a junior."

One of the other girls said she was the team manager.

The coach urged the girl to tell Obama what she'd said earlier: Meeting the president was on her bucket list.

"How old are you?" Obama asked.

Nine years old, she replied.

"Here's the general rule: When you're 9, you don't need a bucket list," Obama said. "When you get to be 52 [his age] then you might start wanting to draw one up. But you've got a lot of stuff going on ahead of you."


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