Sea Snail in Knee: Family Describe Shock as Live Snail Is Found Living in 4-Year-Old's Knee

Sea Snail in Knee: Family Describe Shock as Live Snail Is Found Living in 4-Year-Old's Knee, A sea snail has been found in the knee of a young boy, after his leg had swelled up to the size of an orange, according to reports. Disturbingly the snail was still alive when it was taken out of the boy's knee.

Paul Franklin from Aliso Viejo had been vacationing with his parents at Spooner's Cove Beach in California when he fell and cut his knee. The cut was not big and did not overly concern the family, and they did not believe it was anything more serious than a regular scrape on the knee that all kids get.

However, they were soon to find out they could not be more wrong; Little Paul's knee kept seeping over the next few days, and refused to scab over, his mom, Rachel, has explained to the Orange County Register.

The knee started swelling up, and Paul visited his doctor a number of times to get it checked out and was eventually placed on a course of antibiotics, with doctors believing it might have been infected.

But Paul's condition continued to deteriorate and he had a fever and was visibly in pain during the worst of the problem.

Over a period of three weeks his knee got worse, and eventually turned black, and his mom has said that his knee had grown to the "size of an orange."

Paul could not walk properly and was limping around the house as his knee was too swollen and painful.
Rachel eventually became so concerned that she went against medical advice and decided to try and squeeze the wound to drain the fluid.

She told the Orange County Register: I know the doctor didn't want to drain this but this sucker needs to be drained!"

As she squeezed the wound a small black object rose to the surface near the skin, and then suddenly popped out of the young boy's knee. The small pebble-looking object then started moving, and the stunned family suddenly realized that it was a live snail.

Rachel recalled: "He moved. There's a freakin' little guy in there! Bubbles were coming up."
Paul added, "It was crazy!"

The family have now put the sea snail into their fish-tank and named it Turbo.


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