Best credit cards
Best credit cards, Before I get into which hotel cards are the best, I want to make a few things clear. Hotel credit cards are a lot like the airline credit cards I wrote about in Part 2 of this series. The same rules for getting an airline credit card apply for a hotel card, except my rules for getting a hotel reward card are more strict.
Rule #1: Don’t get a hotel credit card as your first card.
Just like the airline cards, hotel cards won’t earn you many rewards on your common purchases. It’s best to get an all-around rewards card as your primary card. I’ve mentioned the Barclaycard Arrival(TM) World MasterCard® – Earn 2x on All Purchases several times as a great option for your main card.
Rule #2: Don’t get a hotel credit card as your second card if you fly on one airline often.
The earning potential for the best airline credit cards is higher in most cases and the point conversions are much easier to understand.
Rule #3: Don’t get a hotel credit card as your second card if you spend a lot on gas and groceries.
Your best bet is a cash-back card, like the Blue Cash Preferred Card from American Express® (6% on groceries and 3% on gas) or the Discover it®, which offers 5% cash back on rotating categories each quarter.
Rule #4: Get a hotel credit card if you consistently stay at the same line of hotels wherever you travel.
Hotel credit cards are directly connected with the rewards program of the hotel. You earn more by staying at these hotels and your points have value when redeemed for hotel rooms. While some cards offer rewards on purchases away from the hotel, none are significant enough to warrant using the card for all your purchases.
What hotel credit cards are the best?
For this type of credit card, it really depends on the person. If you’re a budget traveler, you’re better off withThe Choice Privileges® Visa® Card. If you stay at Wyndham resorts, you’ll want The Wyndham Rewards® Visa Signature® Card. It’s difficult to say one card is the best because it depends on where the prospective cardholder wants to stay.
However, I don’t feel confident saying this is the card everyone should get. Not everyone wants to stay at Starwood hotels nor can they afford to stay at Starwood hotels. In addition to this card, I have a solid list of quality hotel credit cards that are worth your consideration.
Rule #1: Don’t get a hotel credit card as your first card.
Just like the airline cards, hotel cards won’t earn you many rewards on your common purchases. It’s best to get an all-around rewards card as your primary card. I’ve mentioned the Barclaycard Arrival(TM) World MasterCard® – Earn 2x on All Purchases several times as a great option for your main card.
Rule #2: Don’t get a hotel credit card as your second card if you fly on one airline often.
The earning potential for the best airline credit cards is higher in most cases and the point conversions are much easier to understand.
Rule #3: Don’t get a hotel credit card as your second card if you spend a lot on gas and groceries.
Your best bet is a cash-back card, like the Blue Cash Preferred Card from American Express® (6% on groceries and 3% on gas) or the Discover it®, which offers 5% cash back on rotating categories each quarter.
Rule #4: Get a hotel credit card if you consistently stay at the same line of hotels wherever you travel.
Hotel credit cards are directly connected with the rewards program of the hotel. You earn more by staying at these hotels and your points have value when redeemed for hotel rooms. While some cards offer rewards on purchases away from the hotel, none are significant enough to warrant using the card for all your purchases.
What hotel credit cards are the best?
For this type of credit card, it really depends on the person. If you’re a budget traveler, you’re better off withThe Choice Privileges® Visa® Card. If you stay at Wyndham resorts, you’ll want The Wyndham Rewards® Visa Signature® Card. It’s difficult to say one card is the best because it depends on where the prospective cardholder wants to stay.
However, I don’t feel confident saying this is the card everyone should get. Not everyone wants to stay at Starwood hotels nor can they afford to stay at Starwood hotels. In addition to this card, I have a solid list of quality hotel credit cards that are worth your consideration.
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