Britney Spears redhead

Britney Spears redhead, Just when we were starting to get used to Britney Spears' prodigal return to her follicular roots, it looks like Brunette-ney up and changed her hair color yet again, y'all—which makes her new hue the third tint she's tried out this year.

(Cue "Oops...I Did It Again" and/or "My Prerogative.") Spears started the year off as a blonde, toyed around with chestnut brown for the better part of February, and, according to pap pictures and fan photos from a meet-and-greet on Wednesday, is currently rocking a rich, red hue.

Over the years, we've seen Spears try out a TON of different hair styles, cuts, and colors. But I'm pretty sure this is the first time she's ever tried this particular shade IRL.

She's gone red before in a few of her videos, like when she acted as a leather-clad, laser-jumping special agent in "Toxic"—but that was more of a Ronald McDonald-type red. Then there was "Womanizer," where she played a tatted-up waitress, but even that crimson hue was veering towards purple.

This new shade is closer to burgundy, a rust-colored red, and we can't wait to see how it looks when she's all done up (and not running errands in a messy bun). TBH, though, while we're all for a little stylish experimentation, Red-ney (or even Burgund-ney) just doesn't have the same ring to it. *SIGH*


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