Charlie Hebdo: new cover featuring Prophet Mohammed launched - live

Charlie Hebdo: new cover featuring Prophet Mohammed launched - live, More from Isil: "Charlie Hebdo has again published cartoons insulting the prophet and this is an extremely stupid act," said a statement read on Al-Bayan radio, which the jihadist group broadcasts in areas under its control in Syria and Iraq.

09.26 Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant says publishing new Mohammed cartoon is 'extremely stupid'

09.19 Véronique Faujour, head of printers, Messageries Lyonnaises de Presse, said the print run will be raised to five million, reports Henry Samuel.

“It will be circulated in batches of around 500,000 copies per day which will allow kiosks that are asking for more to be resupplied.”

Up to a million will be sold today, said the printers.At Saint-Lazare train station in Paris, a long queue was already snaking outside the newsagent at 6am when it opened.

“They should have got more copies in today. I can’t keep up with demand,” said Marie-Claire, the owner, told AFP.
09.14 Charlie Hebdo has completely sold out across France. This means at least 500,000 copies have been bought, according to reports.

Stefan de Vries, a French journalist, writes on Twitter: "There are still copies of #CharlieHebdo available. On @eBay. For €100,000."

09.05 Iran has said the new magazine cover is "insulting" and "provocative". The magazine cover "provokes the emotions of Muslims and hurts their feelings around the world, and could fan the flame of a vicious circle of extremism," said foreign ministry spokesman Marzieh Afkham.

08.49 AFP reports John Kerry, US secretary of state, is to meet François Hollande.
08.33 The controversial French comedian Dieudonne has been arrested for being an "apologist for terrorism" after writing a Facebook comment suggesting he sympathised with one of the gunmen that attacked Paris last week, a judicial source told AFP.

08.26 As news agencies and reporters in France suggest the magazine is due to sell out before dawn, Henry Samuel reports print run will increase to five million "due to demand".

In Turkey, the secular daily, Cumhuriyet, said police stopped trucks before they left its printing centre to check its content. It comes after the paper chose to print a few of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

Today's Zaman reports the newspaper said the distribution was allowed to proceed "after verifying that the satirical French newspaper's controversial cover featuring the Prophet Muhammad was not published".

Security at the daily - which published four pages of some of the cartoons to show its support - has been increased at its headquarters and printing centre.

A woman working at a kiosk in Gambetta metro station in Paris told AFP how quickly copies sold out - 450 within 15 minutes.

"It was incredible. I had a queue of 60-70 people waiting for me when I opened at 5.45 am. I've never seen anything like it. All my 450 copies were sold out in 15 minutes."

07.46 The Telegraph's Henry Samuel says today 500,000 copies will be published in France and there will be another batch on sale this Friday. The total run will be three million.

Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, told Fairfax radio's 3AW he "rather likes" the cartoon depiction of the Prophet Mohammed on Charlie Hebdo's latest cover, adding that it represented a "spirit of forgiveness".

Quote Now, I rather like that cartoon. I'm not sure that I would have liked everything that Charlie Hebdo produced but this is a cartoon of the prophet with a tear streaming down his face saying all is forgiven.

"That spirit of forgiveness is what we need more and more in this rancorous modern world."
07.30 There are currently some eBay listings for the magazine in the UK. One copy appears to be on sale for £49 while another, with 31 bids, is on sale for £122. A quick search suggests another is also on sale for £100 and one more for £101 with 13 bids already.

One edition is on sale for £511 with 32 bids already.
07.22 Parisians queue at a newspaper kiosk to get their copies of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo magazineGood morning and welcome to our live coverage on the day Charlie Hebdo's new issue will be published across the world. It is the first edition of the French satirical magazine since gunmen stormed their Paris headquarters last Wednesday, killing 12.


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