Ghost camera Idaho school

Ghost camera Idaho school, Things go bump in the night, lights flash on and off and the ghost stories that have haunted an Idaho high school for decades now have an image to go with those reports. There was so much activity going on in the hallways of Pocatello High School while the school was closed for the holiday vacation that it tripped the school alarms. What the school security camera's revealed was frightfully eerie, as the cameras picked up a ghost roaming the halls of the high school.

Police were beckoned to the school by the alarm, but the building was secure and no one had been inside. This led the school officials to check the school surveillance camera video to see just what might have been in the hallways to trip the alarm. What they found was jaw-dropping and hair raising at the same time!

According to the Canada Journal on Jan. 12, the video above appears to offer compelling evidence that something is roaming the halls of this high school in Pocatello, Idaho. Paranormal investigators had this video authenticated as footage that was untouched, so what you see on the clip is just what the camera filmed.

West Valley News points to the 100 year history of the school which includes six deaths and the school burning down at one time. This certainly offers food for thought as to where this ghost may have originated from.

Because you can see the height of the ghostly image against the water fountain and the door in the bathroom, the ghost is thought to be that of an adult. It looks too tall to be a ghostly image of a child, explains the paranormal experts in the video.

As you can see on the video, the lights in the hallway go on and off. It looks like a light show you might experience during a lightening storm. Then there is a ghostly image near the drinking fountain that walks out into the hallway. The lights are flickering as the ghost passes by.

The image goes into the restroom, comes back out and heads down the hall. The lights are seemingly reacting to the presence of this ghostly image as they flicker in the area that image is passing. The ghost continues down the hall and then disappears.

Students, teachers and school staff have reported odd happenings at this school for decades, but up until this point there wasn't any hard-core evidence. Before this clip, it was just witnesses reporting the feeling of being watched, fleeting images, voices and a piano playing by itself.

A boy drowning in the pool that was once part of the school is one of the six deaths reported in the school's history. This death was validated through documentation that was found by the paranormal investigators. The pool has since been removed and quite possibly that death was the reason it was dismantled.

In the video above the former school principal talks about some of the past eerie experiences at the school. This is a school that many believed was truly haunted even before the video camera picked up on the ghost in the halls.


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