Ghost camera Idaho school

Ghost camera Idaho school, A ghost seen on camera at an Idaho school has many arguing over whether the place might be haunted. The paranormal video that has seemingly recorded evidence of what appears to be a ghost on film is indeed a supernatural scare that has made believers out of quite a few. Some believe the strange scene in the hallway is proof the place is haunted, with lights flickering and a dark shadow passing through. Opposing Views News reports this Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, that even those who do not place credence into any spirits are dumbfounded by what seems to be happening in the hallway when no living thing seems to be around.

Spooky stuff: is the presence of a ghost or shadows haunting a school right here in the US nation? Controversy has surrounded the video footage since its release but a ghost spotted on an Idaho school camera clip has certainly spooked some viewers out. The ghostly evidence itself was recorded by school surveillance, and a number of people invested in the supernatural claim that it is “proof” an otherworldly presence has invaded the educational institution’s halls.

Local Pocatello High School in Idaho is the source of this bizarre scene, confirms the New York Daily News. Staff and teachers had just come back from a nice break for the holidays when they were said to be stunned at the portents of the security video camera. While everyone was away celebrating Christmas and the New Year, lights began to flicker in the hallway. A strange shape, something akin to a dark ghost, can be seen at one point floating in the middle of a classroom doorway. The chilling figure departs from the room to run out of the hall and then back the way it came.

Was the shadow of a ghost recorded in the video? In order to verify just what was spotted, school officials opted to bring the professionals in to determine whether there was any proof to the ghost camera footage at the Idaho school. Scientific Paranormal Investigative Research Organization members John and Lisa Brian soon arrived on the scene to offer their expertise on the matter. Their response was almost immediate after looking over the photo; they concluded that a real ghost was in the halls and was captured as evidence on the screen.

It is important to note she has been unable to identify the dark shadow yet. Was a ghost truly spotted on camera at the Idaho school? Is it proof the place haunted? It has been acknowledged that the chilling figure, spirit, or apparition that is seen is not exactly humanlike in shape. Therefore, those who speak out against the supernatural argue it could simply be a trick of the light or anything as basic as a smudge or dirt on the lens. Yet John Brian asserts those critics are wrong based on his examination of the scene. They continue to investigate the ghostly video clip.


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