He's going to be ashamed of the things that he’s done': Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger says Justin Bieber wasted opportunity to be a pop music legend

He's going to be ashamed of the things that he’s done': Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger says Justin Bieber wasted opportunity to be a pop music legend, Chad Kroeger had high hopes for fellow Canadian Justin Bieber.
But in an interview with the NXFM breakfast radio team in Newcastle, the 40-year-old frontman of rock band Nickelback said he believes that the young star's past misdemeanors have let him down.

Chatting to Sophie, Heath and Normy over the phone from his home in Montreal, Chad said 'I think that he’s going to look back at this time in his life and he’s going be ashamed of the things that he’s done...'

The Baby singer has had a number of run-ins with authority in recent years which have included dangerous driving and vandalism charges.

However Chad believes it all comes down to Justin becoming so famous while too young. You’ve got to be careful when you’re handing someone that young the keys to the Kingdom' he told the radio trio.

‘And when you give someone that young that much money…to do whatever you want to do, things are going to run amok and we’re all going to get to stand back and watch the wheels fall off the train.’

Chad had initially hoped that the 20-year-old would eventually emulate one of the music industry's current greats.
'...I really wanted him to turn into kind of a Justin Timberlake; very funny, very caring, a really good person...' he said.

And while there may be a large amount of non-Belieber's  across the globe, Chad's band has had their own fair share of haters in the past.

While they have been named several times as one of the worlds worst rock bands in online forums and fan made polls since their beginnings in 1995, Nickelback are one of Canada's most successful groups in history and have sold over 50 million albums worldwide.

Commenting on the online trolls, Chad said: 'It doesn’t matter what you do, because the people that are unhappy with their own lives, they just kind of hate everything.’

‘You could cure cancer and the first thing they would say online is "What took you so long?"’
‘I make music for myself and for the people that want to hear the kind of music that I make…’

One particular US man, blogger Jesse Carey has made an outlandish stance against the band earlier this week, vowing to listen to Nickelback's music for seven days straight, or 168 hours, to raise money for charity.

And while the Savin Me' performer condones the charity work, he is not a fan of the way in which Jesse is carrying out his campaign.

‘I think that anytime someone is going to do anything to raise money for charity, it’s great...' however not when it is ‘at the expense of someone else’.
‘I know for a fact already that now that the charity knows how the money is being raised they’ve distanced themselves from it...’ he revealed.

‘You should do it [charity work] for the cause and bringing awareness to that cause…not to use a good cause as a shield…because once the event is over, you’re just a d**k.’

Meanwhile, contrary to public belief, Chad revealed all is well with his marriage to his wife of two years, singer Avril Lavigne.
The couple have had to front rumours in recent months that they are on shaky ground, but Chad said that could not be further from the truth.

He called his 30-year-old partner a 'Loving wife, doting, supportive' and added that he was able to spend some time with her this week since being on the road with the band.

'...big hugs and kisses as soon as I got through the door last night because we played Montreal...' before saying that she stayed up until 2am just to wait for him to come home.

Nickelback will tour Australia this May kicking off their first show in Melbourne on the 15th.
From there, they travel across the country on a ten leg trip of the country, performing in Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle and Perth.


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