Harry Reid and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Reid and the Chamber of Secrets, Deeply and deceptively interesting,” is how New York Times Magazine described Sen. Harry Reid in January of 2010. Deceptive indeed. Five years later, Reid’s cache of secrets in the Senate chamber puts Harry Potter’s wizardry to shame.

Two chambers—House and Senate—comprise the U.S. legislature. Our bicameral structure helps keep raw political power in check. Yet without term limits, a bicameral legislature is not enough to restrain the ambition of politicians like 75-year-old Reid who have held public office for decades.

Grab your candle and follow me as I guide you through the backmost rooms of the Senate chamber, where Reid hides five dark healthcare secrets. Ignore the cobwebs, broken wall lamps and thick layer of dust. Few human beings ever traverse this quiet corridor.

First Secret: Women and Children Last

In Washington, many politicians on both sides of the aisle behave like members of a “Good Old Boys Club” with one unwritten rule: Never Be Chivalrous.

A chivalrous man is one who, finding himself on a sinking ship, helps all the women and children board the lifeboats first. A chauvinist man is one who gets a girl pregnant and then kindly offers to pay for an abortion—with his father’s money.

Sen. Harry Reid made the news last week for opposing a $214 billion Medicare bill because he is dissatisfied with the bill’s low level of perks for his pet organization, Planned Parenthood. According to CNN: “Reid believes language that is attached to the [additional allocations of] health center money would expand an existing federal ban on using taxpayer funds for abortion services.”

Rising costs are sinking the “ship” of Medicare as the program assumes 10,000 new Baby Boomer recipients a day. Despite his dark sunglasses, Reid sees the disaster coming. Boehner and Pelosi’s “bipartisan” plan to spend $214 billion is not a long-term solution for doctors or their Baby Boomer patients. Unfortunately, Reid opposes their plan for the wrong reason—a fear of falling out of good graces with Planned Parenthood.

If Reid believes children are “first,” then he should throw excessive costs overboard to reform Medicare rather than forcing every American taxpayer to contribute to a coffer of fungible dollars for health centers that perform abortions. The Constitution is silent on the issue of abortion which, per the Tenth Amendment, leaves the issue up to states and individuals. Moreover, reason tells us that all children have a natural right to life—which Reid does not appear to respect.


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