I paid my tax on the deadline day - a Saturday - but HMRC only processed it on Monday. Why have I been fined £100?

I paid my tax on the deadline day - a Saturday - but HMRC only processed it on Monday. Why have I been fined £100?, Why does the tax inspector impose a blanket £100 fine for late tax returns? I fell foul of the rule this year, when January 31 landed on a Saturday.

It was quite clear from the date my cheque was cleared that HMRC had received it by the Monday.
Presumably, however, nobody was working at the weekend so they could not tell what had come by Saturday and what by Monday.

It is daft to fine people the same regardless of whether they are 24 hours, 24 days or even many months late.
£100 means nothing to large numbers of taxpayers but everything to little businesses like mine struggling to survive. AW via email

Linda Mckay of This is Money replies: Around 890,000 missed the January 31 deadline for filing income tax self-assessment forms and paying tax due.

These people now face an escalating scale of penalties, starting with the automatic £100 fine, even if there is no tax to pay.

After that a £10 daily charge is applied for up to 90 days plus an extra £300, or 5 per cent of the tax owed, whichever is higher, if the return is still late after six and then 12 months.
However, this system is changing.

HMRC told me that there is now a consultation running until May into potentially scrapping the £100 fine for those filing late self-assessment tax returns.

The system overhaul will look at trying to differentiate between ‘the dishonest minority who try to cheat the system’ and honest taxpayers who might make an ‘occasional error’.

HMRC also concedes that the rules may need updating to support those genuinely wanting to comply.
The fines may be replaced by a system of non-financial penalties or a higher level of interest on accrued debts, instead of one-off automatic fines.

Penalty points – similar to those issued for motoring offences – would be imposed where fines are not issued immediately and harsher penalties would be put in place for those who repeatedly break the rules.

It is also considering the creation of individual digital accounts to allow a penalty system based on the overall position of a taxpayer. Any changes would be dependent on developing HMRC's IT capability.
You can have your say on the HMRC penalty process consultation here.

In your case, after some weeks, a letter and several lengthy phone calls to HMRC it conceded that your late payment had a ‘reasonable excuse’ and removed your penalty.


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