Mitt romney evander holyfield

Mitt romney evander holyfield, Mitt Romney will go toe-to-toe with Evander "Real Deal" Holyfield in a charity boxing match on May 15.

"It will either be a very short fight, or I will be knocked unconscious," said the former presidential candidate, The Salt Lake Tribune reported this week. "It won't be much of a fight. We'll both suit up and get in the ring and spar around a little bit."
"We just thought it would be a lot better to provide this kind of entertainment rather than just have dinner and listen to speakers," he added.

The former Massachusetts governor and boss of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics said the event will raise funds for Charity Vision.

According to the Tribune, the organization was founded by retired Salt Lake physician Bill Jackson, a mission president in the Philippines for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The group's primary goal is to work with medical suppliers to donate equipment to underdeveloped areas around the world, on the condition that half the surgeries it performs are done for the poor by local doctors.

"It operates on about a $1 million annual budget," Romney explained, also noting that it oversees 40,000 surgeries a year at roughly $25 per surgery.

When it was originally founded, "it was all kinds of medical procedures, but over the years the focus has been eye surgeries, so the name was changed to Charity Vision," said Romney.

Josh Romney, Mitt's son, said that the event will be black-tie like a normal charity gala, and that attendees can partake in hors d'oeuvres while they watch the slugfest.


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