Chris Rock police selfie

Chris Rock police selfie, There have been three Chris Rock police selfie photos poster to the actor’s social media pages in the last two months. What these selfies are is Rock snapping his photo every time a police officer pulls him over. It isn’t clear what he was being pulled over for, and at least one of the times he wasn’t even driving, but Rock’s entire goal is to show that black people are pulled over more often than white people. The Washington Post reported on Thursday that black drivers are 23 percent more likely to get pulled over than white drivers.

There are two types of traffic stops. One is when a driver breaks the law, gets pulled over and issued a citation and let go. The second is what is called investigatory stops, where police pulls over someone who looks suspicious and tries to possibly get permission to search their car. According to research in Kansas City, a black man has a 28 percent chance each year of getting pulled over without breaking a law, compared to 12.5 percent for a white man.

According to the research, police officers are directed to make a large number of traffic stops, including in cases where the drivers were not actually breaking a law, because they want to stop crimes before they occur. This is a way to find weapons and drugs and stop these people from committing crimes down the road. That is where the racial stereotyping occurs.

The Chris Rock police selfie deal that the actor has taken it upon himself to complete seems to be shining a public light on this. However, the fact that Rock has not admitted whether or not he committed a traffic violation or just was pulled over because he is black is troubling. There is also the question of self-promotion, since he is a comedian who has a well-known joke about not getting beaten up by the police.


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