David letterman senate

David letterman senate, Sen. Al Franken has a suggestion for David Letterman’s new career after the comedian says goodbye to late-night TV in May.

Why not run for Senate in Indiana, since GOP Sen. Dan Coats is retiring after the 2016 elections?

Franken, the Saturday Night Live comedian-turned-politician, was discussing Indiana’s controversial “religious freedom” law when Letterman, a Hoosier, asked what could be done to make Gov. Mike Pence feel “uncomfortable.”“As a matter of fact, there’s an open seat there,” Franken said. “Look, when people come to me — young people — they say how do I become a United States senator. I say, well, do about 35 or 40 years of comedy and then run for the Senate. It’s worked every time.”

That got a laugh out of Letterman and applause from the audience, but we’re guessing Franken’s encouragement won’t nudge Letterman into the race.

This was Franken’s first appearance on CBS’ Late Show with David Letterman since the Democrat was first elected to represent Minnesota in 2008. Franken rarely shows off his comedic chops or talks about his SNL days in the Senate, preferring instead to concentrate on home-state issues, so his appearance Wednesday was a treat.

Franken’s timing is still good.

As he shares his concern about the Indiana law and its impact on his home state, Letterman joked to his longtime friend that “I know I’ve embarrassed the state many times.”

Without missing a beat, Franken added: “And the entire country.”


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