Ghost in photo

Ghost in photo, Looking through family albums at pictures of when you are growing up can be innocuous and even fun. Not so for Anastassia Perets. Now 21-years-old, she took a trip down memory lane and discovered a photo of herself when she was four years old.

At first, the photo seems normal enough — after all, she was a little toddler looking at cute caged birds while wearing red pants, black knee-high boots, and the obligatory ponytail. Normal enough, right? But what lurks behind her is what can make the skin crawl.

There’s a little girl seemingly innocently holding a toy behind her opening a door. One problem: Anastassia says there was no other girl in the photo. The blonde toddler in the background is an apparition! Anastasis wrote the following on her Facebook page describing the photo.

“I present you with a recently discovered creepy photo of my childhood. That is all. (And if the creepiness factor isn’t obvious, it is because that girl in the background isn’t a real person.)”

Anastasia questioned her parents about the photo of the young girl who appears to be opening a door behind her, because the photo was taken in their home. Her parents confirmed that they had never seen the child before and confirmed that the girl behind her in the picture was, indeed, what they thought to be a ghost, according to Redbook. Anastassia told Redbook the following.

“I thought it was a mirror or something but further observation showed me that was not so. I got so freaked out I started screaming and crying and the neighbors thought someone must have broken in or something.”

Even more creepy is that, when she consulted with a psychic, the psychic, apparently without prior knowledge regarding the photo, informed Anastassia that the spirit of a young girl was following her. As noted by MSN, there have been a few ghost photobombs recently, but this one may take the cake and be one of the most goosebump-inducing.

Do you believe in apparitions? Do you believe that the girl in the photo is a ghost or is there another plausible explanation? What else would explain the girl’s appearance in the photo?

Although there was no real apparition in a photo, Sierra Sharry tragically lost her husband to a head injury two weeks before their baby was born. To honor his memory and to have a complete family photo, when her son Tao was six months old, Sharry found a photographer who inserted the “ghost” photo of her husband lovingly looking over her shoulder as she held their son. It is a keepsake for life, and the beautiful family portrait went viral on the internet, according to an Inquisitr article.


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