Michael Slager dashcam footage

Michael Slager dashcam footage, No warrant had been issued for Walter Scott's arrest when he ran from Officer Michael Slager moments before he was shot dead, it has been revealed.

Court records show he was $7,500 behind on child support when he was pulled over on Saturday and had already been jailed three times for missing payments.

His family believe the fear of being thrown back in prison was the reason he tried to flee during the deadly traffic stop.

But there was nothing directing officers to bring him in to face a family court judge, despite the fact his last payment was only in 2012.

In 2008, after a traffic stop in which he was charged with an open-container violation and driving under suspension, he was sent to jail in Charleston for six months for failing to pay about $6,800.

In 2011, bench warrants ordered deputies to bring him in, and Scott spent a night in jail when he was $7,500 behind. In 2012, he spent another night in jail when he owed $3,500.

On Thursday a police dashboard camera video released Thursday shows Scott bolting from his Mercedes after he pulled over.
The camera on Slager's patrol car captures him telling Scott his third brake light is broken, before asking him to produce insurance papers.

Scott, who appears to be accompanied by a person in the passenger seat, explains he does not have any documents as he has yet to officially buy the car.

'I haven't bought it yet, I'm about to do that Monday.... My car is down,' he says.
The officer appears calm, checks his licence, then tells him: 'I'll be right back with you.'

When Slager returns to his vehicle, Scott flees, running towards the park where he would die moments later.
Off camera, a scuffle can be heard, with shouts of 'Taser, Taser, Taser!' and 'Get on the ground!'
Slager's account has been called into question after a shocking video taken by a witness shows the officer shooting Scott in the back.

In the dash cam footage, captured from Slager's patrol car, the officer explains, 'The reason I've pulled you over is because your third brakelight is out.'

The conversation is muffled, with music playing in Slager's car obscuring the sound.He can be heard asking Scott for his licence, registration and insurance card.

Scott responds that he doesn't have papers as he has not yet to bought the car.
'Alright let me see your licence,' Slager replies. 'So you don't have any papers in the glove pocket?'
Scott repeats that he does not and he is paying for the car on Monday.
Slager returns to his car.

A minute later, Scott opens the door, and gestures to Slager, who shouts, 'you've got to stay in the car!'
Scott then sits back inside the car - and moments later flees.

The only other footage of the incident shows the moment Scott was shot. Released earlier this week, it begins in the vacant lot apparently moments after Slager fires his Taser.

Wires which administer the electrical current appear to be extending from Scott's body.
As Scott turns to run, Slager draws his pistol and, only when he is 15 to 20 feet away, starts to fire the first of the eight shots at his back.

The video shows Slager handcuffing Scott's lifeless body.


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