No Closure for Family of Anjelica 'AJ' Hadsell After Remains Identified

No Closure for Family of Anjelica 'AJ' Hadsell once Remains known, The family of a Virginia collegian remains probing for answers once her remains were found in the week over a month once she disappeared.

Police in urban center, Virginia, aforesaid Fri that is still found earlier within the week had been known as Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell. She disappeared from the coastal community on Texas Independence Day whereas home from respite.

"In time we'll heal, however it is a long road sooner than North American nation," her uncle, thespian Hadsell, told fundamentals affiliate WVEC-TV. "There's no closure. there isn't any closing that door."The remains were found in Southampton County, Virginia, on Th, police aforesaid, and were sent to the Chief Medical Examiner's workplace to be known and to see the reason for death.

No arrests associated with the case are created. The investigation into her death is current, police aforesaid Fri.

The family's pastor, Timothy Moran, told WVEC-TV that they'd "mixed emotions."

"There's anger," he said. "There's plenty of queries."

Several weeks past, friends and family organized a ball for this Sunday to boost awareness concerning Hadsell's disappearance, per the event's Facebook page. the sport can still occur, currently in honor of the teenager.

"None of it feels real," Hadsell's friend, Bryce Atkins, told WVEC-TV. "It simply seems like a terrible nightmare."


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