Oklahoma Eric Harris

Oklahoma prosecutors area unit reviewing the shooting of AN unarmed man by a sheriff's deputy UN agency says he was accidentally stricken with a gun rather than Tasered throughout the fatal takedown.

Video free weekday shows the dramatic Apr two arrest of Tulsa man Eric Harris, 44, and therefore the moment Reserve Deputy Robert Bates, 73, shoots him.

"Taser! Taser!" Bates is detected shouting, before firing one spherical from his regular gun, touch Harris, UN agency was fastened to the bottom by officers.

Bates quickly accomplished his mistake: "I shot him! i am sorry!"

As Harris squirms on the bottom he screams, "He shot Pine Tree State! He shot me, man. Oh, my God. i am losing my breath," he said.

Harris was taken to the hospital, wherever he died concerning AN hour later.

The incident has gained national attention following the video's unharness ANd an awareness over fatal police shooting's involving unarmed black men. The Tulsa County Sheriff's workplace defended Bates' error and aforesaid he "did not commit against the law," according NBC affiliate KJRH.

Jim Clark, UN agency is reviewing the case "independently" for the sheriff's department claimed Bates suffered from a development generally known as "slip and capture" — during which individuals accidentally do the alternative of what they meant to throughout extreme force.

The case has been turned over to the Tulsa County prosecuting attorney and autopsy results area unit unfinished, Tulsa County Sheriff's Maj. Claude Elwood Shannon Clark aforesaid at a press conference weekday.

Bates, a reserve deputy with the Tulsa County Violent Crimes Task Force, had a pepperball gun in one hand and meant to grab for his Taser with the opposite hand, however force his gun instead, authorities aforesaid.

Bates wasn't originally presupposed to air the arrest team that day, however was "thrust in to the case," authorities accessorial.

The video 1st shows Harris being recorded by a hustle during which he was allegedly {trying|making AN attempt|attempting} to sell a nine millimetre semi-automatic shooting iron and ammunition to an hole-and-corner sheriff's task force. however Harris fast from the automobile the instant he was on the point of be in remission, Maj. Clark said.

Harris conjointly has previous convictions for assault and battery on a politician and 2 alternative crime arrests, yet as multiple theft and transferred possession charges, KJRH according.

Maj. Clark aforesaid Harris was presumably underneath the influence of PCP, PCP, once he was admitted to the hospital. Authorities conjointly aforesaid they believed he could are armed at the time attributable to the means he was holding his arms close to his area, though he was in remission with none weapons.

Harris' brother aforesaid he was on his thanks to choose him up the morning he was killed in order that they may visit work along. Andre Harris told KJRH that he drove by the scene of the shooting and solely accomplished later it concerned his brother once he asked what race the victim was.

"For them to mention he was wilding on hallucinogen and fighting, it is not true," Andre Harris aforesaid. "And if it's true, they ought to have tased him."


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